Advanced Equipment

We are outfitted with latest equipment

  1. Hormonal Analyzers (Siemens Centaur XP & CP)
  2. Biochemistry analyzer BA 400 (Bio-system)
  3. HbA1c by Gold Standard HPLC (Bio-Rad D10)
  4. Hematology Analyzer (Nihon Kohden)
  5. Sensa core Electrolyte analyzer
  6. Siemens Urine Analyzer
  7. Bone Mineral Density (GE LUNAR)
  8. X-ray (Siemens)
  9. Fundus for study of retina in diabetic individuals.

We have comprehensive range of tests covering

Biochemistry (Glucose Fasting, Postprandial, Random, Glucose tolerance test, 3 months average glucose by HPLC Technology)
Kidney tests (Serum creatinine, urea, uric acid, Urine albumin creatinine ratio and protein creatinine ratios)
Liver function test
Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium in serum and urine, serum magnesium)
Hemoglobin, Total leucocyte count, Platelet count and other indices, by hematology Analyzer (Nihon Kohden)
Hormone analysis: Thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH, FT3, FT4, Anti TPO antibodies, Anti Thyroglobulin antibodies), reproductive hormones like LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone, others like Prostate specific antigen)
Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12, Ferritin, C Peptide.
Bone parameters including intact PTH, serum and urine calcium, phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase and vitamin D.
Bone mineral Density (BMD) by GE LUNAR at Lumbar spine, Dual femur (Hip), forearm and whole body composition analysis.
Fundus to screen for Diabetic retinopathy
Biothesiometry & Ankle brachial index to screen diabetic neuropathy
Urine tests including 24 hours urine parameters